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For Carnage We Lust

Self-released (2022)
Rating: 8/10

Not to be confused with the London, England-based band of the same name, this particular Kryptik is a Polish death metal trio, consisting of Chris Rotten (vocals and guitar), Gravedigger (bass) and Tyrannizer (drums).

The black and white cover art is effective and provides a perfect imagery for the old school recipe contained within. And as soon as the mouldy riff of the title track rumbles in, my stomach tells me how I immediately want to chomp down on this festering garbage.

Firstly I want to mention the ugly, lo-fi guitar tone. Secondly there’s the vile basement bellows, then there’s the infected bass slop, and finally the musty percussion.

Everything about this album reeks of decay and doomy drudgery, whether it’s the slithering soiled goo of ‘Burial Ground’, the oozing horror of ‘Gravestench’, or the sickly pace of ‘Infernal Funeral’. How do these guys get that fusty, graven, organic atmosphere where the drums thud like a severed limb on a wet blanket?

There’s a horde of bands doing the rounds in the genre and so many are incredible, and I’m more than happy to add Kryptik to the list because this ten-track affair really does have its own levels of murkiness.

Just check out the sodden beats of ‘The Burning’, the utter gloom of ‘Coffin Fields’ and the primeval swamp spew of ‘The Grand Genocide’. Damn, even when these guys up the pace it’s still choked by gaseous grave fumes, the whole air a smoggy, choking layer of stifling brutality.

Usually it’s bands from South America, more often Chile, that spawn this sort of necrotic, manky sound, but Kryptik has stuffed my nostrils with its own brand of putrefying evil and I can’t help but inhale the mould.

Neil Arnold

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