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Metal Command EP

Self-released (2024)
Rating: 5/10

It looks like Municipal Waste and sounds like every other throwback thrash act that wishes they’d been around in the 80s. The latest mob of generic thrash ghouls is Brazilian band Ordered To Kill who even use vintage album titles in their lyrics.

The novelty wears off very quickly but thankfully this release is only 12 minutes long and so, after stealing the theme from the movie Jaws for their intro, the trio of Jan Seth (vocals and bass), Lincon La Roque (drums) and Germain (guitar) rattle of three tracks which lack identity but spit with energy.

Bands of this ilk were as common as muck in the 80s and still seem to be springing up in abundance today in order to keep the thrash flag flying. Even so, the songs – ‘Sacrifice’, ‘Metal Command’ and ‘Black Speed Metal’ – flit by like average tributes to Slayer, Dark Angel and a plethora of other bands who did it a million times better. If I had to pick a favourite cut then ‘Black Speed Metal’ is pretty feisty but it’s predictable in every twist, every riff and every vocal tirade.

I’m sure an album will follow in due course but Ordered To Kill will have to up their game tenfold or they will be relegated into the pits where so many other same sounding bands dwell.

Neil Arnold

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