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Dreamscape Of The Ancients EP

Brutal Insanity (2023)
Rating: 8/10

Hearing a new Necrotum release is akin to inhaling freshly disturbed dust from an old coffin. The mouldy guitar tone, the throaty macabre vocals, the dull rattling bass and those skeletal fusty drum slaps are the ideal ingredients for what is another morbid rendition from these prolific Romanians.

As expected, there is that gnarly variation of doomy dirge mixed with faster yet as equally rank bursts. I’ve always loved the somewhat no frills demeanor and expression of these guys as they rumble like an old cart carrying bags of bones along a cobbled street.

Opening track ‘Disentombed From The Sea’ begins like a draught of cold, damp air seeping from a crypt, followed by squirming guitars, hissing percussion and those miserable, smirking sneers. Meanwhile, ‘Ageless Blasphemy’ creeps with sinister yet subtle tones suggesting some half-hinted presence is about to strike, and it does by its sudden maniacal barrage of almost cosmic gloominess.

‘Goreflesh Incubation’ swirls with similarly bleak designs as meaty chugs fuse with cold vapours of mid-tempo thundering as all the while those persistent drums form an unbreakable spine of jagged bone, before a cover of Necrophobic’s ‘Awakening…’ rounds off this grim affair in fine, stuffy fashion, sealing your fate as you suffocate in a shroud of bone fibres and black mould spores.

Neil Arnold

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