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Apocalipsis Universal EP

Self-released (2023)
Rating: 8/10

The ominous skies over Ancud in Chile suggest something wicked is coming this way, and indeed it does in the form of one man band Cosmic Demon.

After a creepy intro (‘La Llegada’) it’s as if the clouds have broken and spilled blood to a soundtrack of thunderous riffs and rumbling bass. ‘Intervenciòn’ kicks in like a sudden infection, somehow dramatically unravelling as a primitive mix of underground black / thrash and sinister death metal. The cosmic man himself whips his leathery tongue like a winged demon hovering over a terrified city in panic; his voice a series of wicked rasps and hisses and yet strangely in its cursed salivating there is a sense of the well structured rather than the harsh or reckless. The opening track is lengthy and steady in constructing black, dense walls of snaking evil metal and yet without losing itself.

Further proof of the foreboding atmosphere of this EP surfaces with the Slayer-esque beginnings of ‘Azares’, although such moodiness is blown away by the spiteful speed. Again there is that snappy, blackened vibe as the vocals spitefully sneer over nefarious gallops. Odd yet melodious chugs visit such a claustrophobic chamber, and again they are exhibited as dark rumbles.

The last of the three main tracks here, aptly entitled ‘Final’, brings more variety between striking speed and brooding rattles. It all makes for an interesting mix of grimness as the shifts between zipping speed and grotesque grumbles become more apparent.

There are some truly obscure vapours emanating from this wretched outing doubled with an organic black metal aroma, so inhale the fumes and prepare to die.

Neil Arnold

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