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Encomium To Extinction EP

Me Saco un Ojo / Headsplit (2023)
Rating: 8/10

Australian death metallers Carcinoid are one of the mist frighteningly heavy bands within the genre, so their return is welcomed. I’d hoped that the band would have returned with a full-length as it has been four years since the Metastatic Declination debut album. Encomium To Extinction is a five-track EP with a run time of almost 30-minutes, so that’s enough music to keep us going for now.

As expected, this is more crushing and cavernous death metal that drags you into its murky, suffocating folds by creating dense walls of humid meat which drip with fluorescent mould. To an extent, this mysterious band has shifted its sound somewhat from a Cianide-like death trip to something far more grim circa the doomy raptures of Coffins.

Sick to its very core, this EP oozes putridity from between its colossal dank riffs, so this then would appeal to those who like acts such as Fetid who amble through the depths of gory wastes. Grinding riffs, beefy drums and hellish vocal smears enable the Carcinoid sound to reek of damp. Sepulchral vapours swirl as opener ‘Led To The Worms’ exudes a vile air, casting off abhorrent particles which hook into the lungs.

Although Encomium To Extinction stinks of utter gloom there is a surprising amount of bludgeoning pace bolstered by ripping blastbeats. The whole EP is constructed upon an evil foundation of both icy cold and scorching hot flurries which in turn fuse in a rumbling furnace of grinding death. As each track meanders one gets the impression that Carcinoid has a lot more up its ghoulish sleeve because although this is very much a sludge-drowned landscape of horror an occasion, almost surreal twist lurks behind the fetid sediment leaving me once again gasping for another cacophony.

Neil Arnold

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