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Bashed EP

Self-released (2022)
Rating: 8/10

Rounding off with a cover rendition of Autopsy’s ‘Ridden With Disease’ is the debut offering from Finland grindcore / death metal act Bashed, and what a joy to behold this 23 minute EP is.

Finland is becoming the place to be for producing killer death / grind / thrash and you can’t overlook four-piece Bashed. There’s a strong Autopsy feel here alongside Repulsion, more so musically as there’s some really macabre melody on offer as depicted with opener ‘Fed To The Dogs’ where the vocals of Roni drift from guttural growls to snappy squawks.

What you’re basically getting is punky, rough, primal death metal with strong grinding overtones whereby the combo effortlessly pukes out some really fast stuff mixed with slower, catchy yet utterly morbid patches, such as with the brilliantly titled ‘Blob Of Coal And Guts’ and the evil trudging of ‘Annihilated Mind’.

Namesake track ‘Bashed’ is an extremely puke-coated piece of murderous encroachment upon the ears. ‘Frozen Solid’ also stood out on my first listen due to its fetid drums that roll in Autopsy mode, and while the song brings pace it’s mostly just a turgid ooze.

This is the stuff I love to dive into, Bashed being another name to slap on the list of gruelling yet catchy death metal acts that like to roll around in their own vomit.

Neil Arnold

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