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Self-released (2022)
Rating: 7/10

After three singles and an EP, Portuguese thrashers Torn Fabriks embark on their debut full-length studio album.

Impera is a lively thrash record that boasts nifty dynamics and solid riffs, but with a vocal approach that at times divides me. The reason I say this is because frontman Ricardo Santos (who also plays bass) seems a little restrained at times. He brings a Millie Petrozza (Kreator) vibe but without the convincing snap. Even so, his tone still suits what is essentially a pleasing thrash record that’s not flashy but is quite memorable.

A naivety does come through with some of the lyrics, but I’m able to overlook that as the trio constructs tight rhythms. The result being effective tracks such as ‘The Outcome’, ‘Here’, ‘Against All Odds’ and my personal favourites ‘Highest Price’ and ‘Hallucinating Levels’.

All the songs here have a San Francisco Bay Area styled fluidity as the band smoothly transition from the more generic styled riffage to memorable mid-tempo ranges. This is all easy to take in, the production is nice and the guitar work really does provide the oil for the cogs.

It’s good when a simplistic thrash release like this comes along, because although far from original one feels that Torn Fabriks play from the heart and with passion for the genre, and one can only admire them.

Neil Arnold

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