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Árias Sanguíneas

Self-released (2022)
Rating: 7/10

Described as “raw vampyric black metal / dungeon synth”, Árias Sanguíneas is the debut-full length from this intriguing Finnish / American act that came on to the scene earlier in 2022 with the Sede Vampírica EP. This album, complete with creepy yet borderline cheesy cover art, really makes for an interesting listen, especially if you’re a fan of slightly unorthodox yet evil-sound black metal that’s drenched in atmosphere.

I’m not a big fan of dungeon synth but thankfully that style only flits in to make the record more atmospheric and for the most part you get hit with some truly harrowing and vicious black metal. This is made all the more thorny by the vocal yaps of a chap named Sanguinófilo who hails his way through the tracks like a tortured soul. I’m mesmerised by the use of the synths which come from Baird Sire, and apparently those drums are programmed but they don’t come across that way.

The album, as I say, drips with atmosphere and you’re treated to five rust-bucket instalments which at times incorporate a punky backbeat (‘Ária II: Semente de Mandrágora’) and, dare I say it, almost Goth rock tendencies, but the rough, primordial axe work maintains the raw edge.

Árias Sanguíneas only runs for 26 minutes with each track briefly introduced by way of a synth or simmering slice of axe work, but essentially this is a raw black metal tirade sure to appease those who remain buried in the underground scene.

Neil Arnold

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