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Fukk Off In Hell!

Self-released (2021)
Rating: 7/10

I’ve never been to Hell and I’m not sure how anyone can actually fuck off in Hell, but that’s the hilarious title of the new MunicioN album, the debut full-length from this Argentinean black / thrash brigade that were spewed out through the flames back in 2014.

Bütcher (vocals), Necromancer (guitar), Fleshripper (bass) and Devildrummer (yep… drums!) probably aren’t the sort of mates your parents will grow to like, but as a standard thrash album, Fuck Off In Hell! is a construction I have grown to like.

Running for just over half-an-hour we get nine speedy tracks sure to whip up a storm before dinner time. And from the off it’s the usual and very familiar breakneck speed chops provided decades previous by the likes of Destruction, Bathory, and just about every Euro speed metal and South American underground battering ram, circa early Sepultura.

It’s good stuff, so just take it as face value, pour yourself ten beers and rage hard within the frothing torment of this tight, no frills yet despicably evil little composition of menace.

Opener ‘Tormented’ is a great little number, with fizzing guitars, harsh vocal rasps and occasional out of tune wails, but above all a really authentic lo-fi feeling of darkness one would expect off a much handed around 1984 demo tape.

‘Zombie Terror’ takes no prisoners to the point that I’m using more clichés than the band; hell bent for leather, batten down the hatches, blah blah as the scathing attack continues with raw energy and flashes of devilish melody.

‘Merciless Sacrifice’ begins with great nodding atmosphere – simple in design but building slowly and with malevolence, almost black metal in its spiky tension. Meanwhile, ‘Horde Of Vultures’ is straight out the traps like a devil dog riddled with rabies. Again, it’s not blistering and more of a mid-paced thrashy chug with flashes of oily blackness, but it’s catchy and melodic before the rattling speed metal assault begins and your left with scrambled brains and blood spattered up the wall.

‘Death Command’ is equally volatile, almost tinny in its approach, but it works so well whether intentional or not. In fact, MunicioN’s debut is one the most wretched little things I’ve heard in a while – slap this one on after Hellcrash’s Krvcifix Invertör to keep the party going.

If your copy of Sepultura’s Bestial Devastation EP is worn out, then why not give this one a spin. After all, someone has gotta keep the demons appeased.

Neil Arnold

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