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Terror Days

Self-released (2024)
Rating: 8/10

New Brazilian combo Gore War is another grim death metal act to keep a bloodshot eye on. This riveting debut full-length isn’t the filthiest platter you’ll hear, but it sure as hell is driven by a destructive guitar tone and some hefty chest barks.

There is a slight blackened edge to this pummelling album that comes housed in artwork similar to that of the legendary Dan Seagrave. The music on offer (eight tracks) has a strong mid-to-late 90s vibe; the sound is rather clean, the bass rattles and the grooves are monstrous. In fact, if someone told me that extreme metal legend Rogga Johansson was involved I wouldn’t bat an eyelid.

From the opener ‘Rest In Peace’ it’s clear that these guys know how to construct a fiendishly catchy groove where pace and mid-tempo grinding is composed. The title track exhibits some great mid-paced chugging. In fact, the riffs throughout this outing are extremely impressive even if this isn’t the filthy death metal I adore. Instead, it’s a very professional and, above all, memorable opus that I’ve played several times due to its ability to marry haste and groove. ‘Difference’ does a fine job of such marrying as does ‘War Hunger’ which features a serrated guitar tone that wouldn’t seem out of place on a Master record.

Melodies are strong also, and again I refer to a more clinical blackened edge which results in the instrumentation being so slick. So while this is very much potent, gnarly death metal it has melodies in abundance while remaining clinical. I guess my only real criticism would be that some of the vocals can be too yappy, but anyone with a taste for mellifluous extreme metal will enjoy this.

Neil Arnold

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