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Sewer Surge

Dying Victims Productions (2023)
Rating: 7.5/10

Polish group Fukkin’ Vengeance have unleashed their debut full-length album with a sound that is sure to strip paint and blow eardrums. Sewer Surge is a raw cacophony dragged out of the gutter and slapped on to the turntable as a primal mix of Motörhead, Venom, punk spit and filthy anarchic rock ‘n’ roll.

If you’ve been around the blood and sweat of the metal genre for as long as I have then you would no doubt have heard a lot of similar sounding bands, most of them forming in the 70s and 80s and many of which were supercharged New Wave Of British Heavy Metal acts that would go on to spawn entire genres such as thrash and black metal.

With Fukkin’ Vengeance you will hear Tank, Darkthrone (later years), and just about every rust-coated speed metal act when they charge at you on tracks like ‘Another Fukkin’ Day’. It’s all delivered in simple yet raucous fashion with Vengeance existing as heavy metal hooligans that throw bricks through your window and kick your front door in.

Fukkin’ Vengeance is vocalist Vandall (who gets every “ugh!” expression in the right place), razor-blade wielding guitarist Soulripper, bassist Lücifera and drummer Bomber, all of whom have, some time back, burst out from Lemmy’s balls in order to be responsible for such a riotous affair. With Sewer Surge you get seven tracks of filth n’ fury… no frills, just pills n’ puke. Best track title: ‘Disappointing Parking Lot Sex’.

Neil Arnold

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