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Beware The Dead

Self-released (2024)
Rating: 7/10

This album looks like one of those witch n’ wizard stoner / doom records but in fact sound a lot like Megadeth… a little too much, right down to the Mustaine-styled vocal sneers.

Beware The Dead is a debut album that seems at odds with itself, the Prague, Czechia-based band seemingly unsure of their direction but still managing to combine speeding Death Angel vim with contemporary crossover thrash circa Municipal Waste. I enjoyed the album more than I expected, particularly the numbers which really zip along (‘Time To Strike’), but there are some very good mid-tempo structures where Atomic Wardead veers towards Voivod (‘Imprisoned’), and as each track zooms by the energy is there for all to see.

The album is a grower due to the mix of influences and somehow manages to stay fresh due to its sharp structures. And due to those combined influences the record boasts a slightly unorthodox edge. ‘Goverland’ features a serrated riff, the young combo slipping into a melodious, almost New Wave Of British Heavy Metal mode. Meanwhile, ‘Exhaust Of Treachery’ also gallops with steely prowess.

This is not the heaviest thrash you’ll hear, but as ‘Last Chance’ begins you’ll hear a grainy and, dare I say it, 90s vibe. ‘The Pendulum…’ is strong in its steady drum instrumental work and ‘…The Pit’ is precise and catchy as again the guys channel a classic metal style that gives off a Euro power energy before drifting towards Voivod.

Closing song ‘Shadow Remnants’ is by far the longest track at over seven minutes. It does take an age to get going, but then at the two minute mark there’s a steady chugging. Again there are the slurry vocals while the music itself maintains a steady flow without resorting to anything too thorny.

Overall, Beware The Dead is a record that becomes more interesting with each listen, so give it a go.

Neil Arnold

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